Natural Cleanse

Healthy Aging

Since the industrial revolution, human longevity has been increasing.  The most common causes of death are no longer communicable diseases — now we notice more diseases from lifestyle and environmental sources. 

The focus of many people has shifted to the maintenance of a healthy body and mind as the best insurance against age-related health problems.  This desire can be so overwhelming that many people take chances with unproven treatments in the hope of finding the ever elusive fountain of youth.

Symptoms associated with aging are as individual as we are. Some of the more common problems include constipation, depression, diarrhea, dizziness, heart palpitations, indigestion and weight gain. Unfortunately as these symptoms progress they are usually glossed over with treatments that do not treat the root cause.

There are a few known causes of aging that supplementation can help to counter act.

Support Healthy Aging By:

 Eating a variety of fresh, natural whole foods 
 Include colourful fruits and vegetables daily
 Drink enough pure water, proportionate to your weight
 Eat small meals every couple of hours
 Avoid processed, packaged and refined foods
 Include whole grains and ensure adequate fiber intake (between 25-35g daily)
 Stay mentally and physically active
 Supplement with antioxidants to help fight free radical damage, a major cause of premature aging.
 Detox the body regularly
 Limit intake of saturated fats and increase essential fatty acids. 
 Take digestive enzymes
